Saturday, March 9, 2013

Carrying the Milk

Random thought today to share with you. I was talking with a guy who was pretty frustrated with that morning's sermon at church. Some guest speaker had been talking about prayer and had given a typical law-based 'to do' list of striving and jumping hoops that just didn't sit right with his new-found freedom in Christ. So we chatted about having the grace to understand where other people were coming from who were still stuck in ignorance about the good news of the gospel. And how it made him think about why he would even want to join a church 'fast' event or prayer meeting if it was being presented in such a fashion.

Well, we do know it is a good thing to get together with other Christians, and sometimes this is reason enough - gosh, if you look forward to being with these people why not? Have fun and enjoy the Presence you all carry together.

But why would I want to do all that 'work' labouring in prayer or fasting when Jesus has done it all on the cross? The Bridegroom is with me, the time of fasting has passed. Jesus intercedes for me, He knows everything so I don't have to go listing my problems or begging for answers. I just need to listen for the answer and speak it out. There ain't a lot of listening done in too many prayer meetings I know of! But still, these people mean well and they sure are in love with Jesus. So shouldn't I support them and wink inside with Christ knowing He's gonna take care of their requests - when faith hits them - despite all the shouting and singing? That could be fun!

So when is it alright to go on a fast? Or to tackle something in prayer 'old' style?

I went for a walk today to the shops to get some milk. Not too radical. We desperately needed milk, and I needed the exercise. Now usually in this sort of shopping emergency I would jump in my ADORABLE little june-bug of a car, which I usually love doing, love parking and zooming around in, and it is not such a chore to pick up a couple of things from the supermarket down the road.
But this time I knew because of the day I'd had (no, week really) that it would just do me a lot of good to walk. It was late afternoon, the sun was warm but not too hot, and it was a very pleasant excursion with opportunity for some 'thinking' time in the fresh air.
I had a bag slung over my shoulder that would have just room enough for two 2L milk containers. Of course  there was a bag of coffee thrown in at the shop last minute as I remembered we (I) needed some at home soon too.
Setting off for the return journey it quickly became apparent that things were not going to stay so pleasant. 4L of milk is really heavy! I had anticipated that of course, but the reality still bit. I had to keep adjusting the bag so it didn't thump me off balance, and hold it out a little for bracing so I didn't look too awkward striding along. You become aware of every step and it does become a labour of love for the family - we had been living off reconstituted milk all day which is just not the same.
And then it struck me. Here I was choosing to do it the hard way because it was the better choice for me at the time - to get some exercise. I didn't need to walk - I have a car and this task could be easy. But I had the time and enjoyed the thinking side of it too. There was no listening to the concert channel or LifeFm on the stereo. Just pure 'exposed to what is going on inside my head' stuff mixed with a little necessary traffic awareness. So it was, I guess, a little less cluttered than a road trip. It also made me focus on getting just the things we needed - no temptation to get distracted with other shopping while I was there, because I knew I needed to carry it home! Boy that milk tasted good too in the end.
...this is where there is a place for doing a fast or prayer session. When it is good for you. When you just know it is what God gives you permission for. When it is an uncluttered thinking time benefit for you. When the labour is not even required, but a pleasant choice. When you don't mind the awkward load because it is just temporary and everything tastes good in the end.
Hope that helps clarify things for you. If you are more confused than ever, tune in next week when you hear about my shaving epiphany. (KIDDING!)

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