Monday, January 14, 2013

Grace: not a license to sin

'Let us do evil, so that good may come of it'
 I think Paul was pretty astounded he even had to explain this to early Christians, but sadly it is an attitude still around today. With the rise of the 'Grace movement' where Christians are rediscovering the true gospel in droves, there comes a handful of people who hear what they want to hear still (the same malfunction that got them believing the law contaminated gospel previously).

Romans 5:20 God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant. (NLT)

Some people have taken this to mean they can do what they like because - no worries - God's grace will cover them. But earlier in Romans 3 Paul had already preempted this line of thought:

“But,” you say, “if, through my lie, God’s truth is enhanced and brings him greater glory, why am I still judged merely for being a sinner?” Indeed! Why not say (as some people slander us by claiming we do say), “Let us do evil, so that good may come of it”? Against them the judgment is a just one! (CJB)

Grace does abound, but Grace is a Person, and the Person of Grace only applies if you believe the gospel message (see Romans 5:22-25). 

Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was a replacement act - He replaced us.  And it is only because God now sees Jesus when He looks at us that we can be in His kingdom at all. No Jesus, no kingdom. And it is not dependent on our behaviour or brownie points or 'level of' whatever.

But something else happens when Christ is allowed into our lives - we are not just covered by Him but also filled with Him - the Spirit of Christ. (Gal 2:20) And God doesn't share any space with the devil. When you turn on the light the darkness has no option but to flee!

So why would you want to get drunk still? Or experiment with drugs, or sex, or  get addicted to food? These are all sins against your own body, now the property returned to God your Creator. I can only surmise it's because one is under the illusion that salvation is a process rather than a one time totally finished event. And I used to think that too! I would excuse my lack of self control (or others') by repeating the cliche lines I had heard over the years: life is a journey, we are saved BUT we have to overcome the flesh, etc. This I then discovered was a lie. A subtle lie that keeps us giving ourselves permission to 'fail' and gives us a job to add to the work of the cross: overcoming our flesh (sinful self). What an insult to the Cross! Did Jesus not do a good enough job of resurrection that your old 'flesh' is still hanging off the new creation? Eeww!

The true gospel is a radical one - it tells us we have no place for sin now. It tells us the 'old sinner me' has been totally annihilated - not just overcome! 

What you believe absolutely has the power
to change the way you feel about things.

So the only reason we think we still have to wrestle with sin; whether they be addictions, old habits, or desires borne out of boredom, is because we believe it. What you believe absolutely has the power to change the way you feel about things. If you totally believe the old sinner you has been eradicated and no longer exists, you will not entertain it in the slightest. 

What's more, if you meditated on the fact that the Creator of the Universe, the greatest and goodest mega power in existence, chooses to dwell in you and empower you with all the energy and wisdom needed for kingdom living - let that blow your mind and take over your every thought, you'd probably have no room left to entertain sinning. You'd most certainly no longer be bored.

But I probably better clarify two things I'm NOT saying here. I'm not saying true Christians never sin. (This is a big topic I can't really do justice here.) I'm just saying they are not obsessed with whether or not they have sinned, do sin, or try to overcome as such. They just don't care about their old status anymore! It is irrelevant under Grace.

And I'm NOT saying there is anything you need to do to reach this nirvana gospel-of-grace full-of-all-the-fullness-of-God-possible existence. You were totally in this place the very second salvation flowed to mankind through God on the Cross. The entire humanity was. You just need to believe it. Set yourself free of trying to be a Christian, and just be in His kingdom! The only difference between you and an unbeliever is - guess what? They are saved, but just don't know it. They are just as qualified as you are, but just haven't realised it or accepted it. Wow! Grace is all over the planet and soooo much greater than the one who is presently in control of it (thanks to blimmin' Adam & Eve handing over planet earth to the evil one. But that's another topic.)

I am saying that when truly full of the Spirit of Christ, there is no desire to sin. So that leaves you a big question to ask yourself then doesn't it? Are you playing Christian or are you a believer?
Ouch! Don't panic, just start believing! Read your New Testament again in the light of Grace. Start listening to true gospel teachers (I can give you a couple of pointers here!) Stop listening to fear-fuelled, diluted, law-contaminated, works-based preaching. It only brings more hoops to jump through and exhaustion. You don't need to pray more, fast more, study more, evangelise more or give more! Those things imply that what Jesus did on the Cross was not 'complete' enough! The Person of Grace will fill you completely and you may be compelled to do these things from the sheer energy of Joy and Love busting out in overflow. Maybe. Or maybe what He tells you to do is just rest in Him for a while and soak in the sanctuary of son-ship.

What He won't tell you to do is go out and get drunk, sleep with someone you are not married to, or lie to your boss about being sick to get a sleep in (not all in the same day I might add!) Which is getting back to the topic of Grace: not a licence to sin. Some of us need to wake up! The dirty big lie is these things are fun. Your Creator most certainly wants you to have fun. You just gotta figure out what your true 'fun bone' is connected to.

There are some Grace-filled believers out there having a hang of a lot of fun setting Christians free from the boring and the bewitched stuff. I love a good controversy! Which is why I blog of course. Waking people up is fun. You don't have to agree (with me) but if it makes you think then that's a healthy thing.

Grace in you, the Hope of glory.

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